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Contact Teresa for a Clairenergy Session

What to Expect

After briefly talking with you she will tune into your energy and feel where it directs her to go.

Typically during a session energetic blocks and unwanted patterns will be located on your timeline and in your Energetic DNA . After locating them the process of clearing and redirecting will begin . Sometimes it will be necessary to talk briefly about a specific event to bring the blocked energy up to clear it. Also, loved ones that have transitioned or crossed over may assist Teresa and want to communicate with you especially if it is beneficial to your healing.


The Timeline

Most illness and disease that manifest in the body are a result of unprocessed emotions. These unprocessed emotions can be stuck on a person's timeline. A timeline is measured from conception/womb/birth and all years forward. Events such as trauma, stress and emotional pain we experience throughout our life can get stuck here. When these blocks are cleared it doesn't remove the memory of the event, only the blocked energy.


Energetic DNA

We not only get our physical traits from our ancestors we also inherit emotional traits as well. These emotional traits are what Teresa calls "Emotional Baggage" and our ancestors can give us a lot of bags to carry!Clearing the blocked energy and unwanted patterns will not only benefits you but all the family members that are linked to them.


When energetic blocks are released and unwanted patterns are redirected the body and mind become in agreement, aligned and the necessary space for healing is created. Immediately after your session you may experience feeling lighter and having a conscious sense of inner peace.


Do I have to believe in this for it to work?


No, your body's intuitive wisdom will process and benefit from the session for your higher good. Of course, you can consciously block any of it from being accepted, if you're comfortable living in a lower vibration.

What is Energetic DNA?

We all inherit messages through our DNA at conception and many scientists now believe that

most of our concepts are received at that time.

Since energy is never lost, only changed in form the

wisdom gained during an entire lifetime is never lost, but passed onto future generations.

Our DNA carries these experiences from our parents, our grandparents, and all our ancestors in the cells of our bodies known as cellular memory.

Some of these experiences may carry unprocessed emotions that need to be resolved. These unprocessed emotions can manifest into physical diseases.

Does it work on animals?

Yes, animals are very open and accepting of the work and Teresa is able to communicate with animals.

How does this work over the phone?

Energy is not limited to time or distance so it works just as powerful if I'm working with a person one on one or on the phone.

Image by Eduardo Sánchez
Happy Girl Jumping

How soon will I
notice the results?

Energy will shift immediately with the integration, like a light switching on in a dark room. For some they will feel "lighter" after a session. Some will not "feel" anything but notice they are more peaceful. Positive changes will happen for many immediately and for some overtime. Typically clients experience better health, mental clarity, confidence, peace, more joy, less stress and improved relationships.

Does Teresa ever do in person and group readings?

Yes, Teresa does in person sessions and group communication/ healing sessions. Please email for more information.

I don't have any specific issues but I am feeling off balance. Will a session still help me?

Yes, everyone can benefit from this work. A session will fit whatever that person needs and is in their highest good.

Let's Work Together


Teresa Glavin-Kline is not a licensed physician or psychologist. ClairEnergy is a is a tool for personal transformation and is not used to or for diagnosis or prescription for health problems of any kind. While ClairEnergy methods can be very effective, they do not take place of appropriate medical care or psychological counseling. If there is a need,you should seek competent medical/psychological analysis, advice, or treatment.

© 2024 by Teresa Glavin-Kline

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